Sunday, November 16, 2014

Meet the Author

Alexander McCall Smith. Photo by Tim Duncan

I thought it would be interesting to include some interviews with Alexander McCall Smith. This first one is very interesting, in it he talks about his writing habits and you can see the rooms he uses.

Click here to watch

This is a summary of his biography and here is his wikipedia entry, which includes his impressive bibliography.

Here he talks about seeing someone who gave him the idea of writing about a woman in Botswana

This is another short clip in which he talks about the main character, Mma Ramotswe

Here is a short report in which Alexander McCall Smith visits Botswana and talks about Mma Ramotswe and his portrayal of Botswana.

Here  are some excerpts from a World Book Night interview in 2013

This is a blog about all things AMS - Alexander McCall Smith that is.

I realise the selection here is rather eclectic - there's so much to choose from! 

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